Shared Promotion Opportunities 2024



WWW.SILVERJET.NL Silverjet’s main and most powerful communication and sales channel is the website. After years of investment in organic search tools and Google Adwords campaigns, today an average of over 65.000 sessions per month are counted. Through the website a variety of joint promotional activities are offered. HOMEPAGE IMAGE (DISCOVER) + LANDINGSPAGE We also offer the opportunity to add an extra image and short text prominent on our homepage for 4 weeks. The ‘Discover’ section provides more visitors to your (hotel)page. And comes with a landingspage. All information such as visitor numbers, number of clicks etc can be provided by us. HOMEPAGE SPECIALS OFFER inclusive placement on landing page For more exposure on our website we offer you the possibility to present your hotel for 2 weeks with a special offer in our ‘Specials’ (best offers) on our homepage. Extra: every hotel will also be posted on a special landing page that monthly attracts over 4.600 visitors (

Your share

Image + landingspage € 500.- Specials homepage € 250.-

Silverjet Vakanties

Your best partner in Luxury Travel

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